Pose & Truth

Pose & Truth

Yesterday evening I tried to log into a few online events in the art world, a roundtable discussion at a Paris museum and another one at an artist book fair. Both just bored the hell out of me. As always in roundtable discussions there is one person who takes up all the time and does a monologue. It seems even more so online. In the end, I just gave up and instead watched comedy. That always cheers me up. But not only that, comedians also lack the posing of the art world, being so much more real than art people dressing themselves up with the world's problems. 

Truth was actually a topic in the Ricky Gervais meets ... Larry David that I was watching: 

Ricky Gervais: "We're going through life compromising for the good of everyone. That's why people like yourself  don't compromise in your art. That is where no one can be hurt." 

Larry David: "I'm such a lier in my life, keeping things to myself, not really telling my true feelings, I feel like I wanna go completely the other way when I have the opportunity. ... If you're any good, you must have the compulsion to tell the truth." 

Ricky Gervais: "Absolutely, and without guilt. This is guilt free truth."