Guest-Blog: You-Ambassador Charlotte Roschka (4)

Guest-Blog: You-Ambassador Charlotte Roschka (4)

Sometimes old you-messages fly past in front of my inner eye. This is mildly painful, because they evoke memories of the little traumas that have been lived through. If only there was a vaccination against you-messages. Immunization against the little horror of communication - how can we do that? As with the contentless protein shell of the coronavirus, it would be important for the you-messages to be transferred in attenuated form as well. My sister's English teacher used to say, while bringing his horizontally outstretched arms in front of his body so close together that his two index fingers barely touch, that electronic messaging shrunk communication by that ratio. I was never a witness to it, but I found my sister's demonstrated arm movement very impressive. So electronic messaging.

Open Call: 

While we may have to wait for other vaccines, we can already become immune to you-messages with electronic messaging. Soon we'll be able to venture back into the reader comment section of online magazines. Together, we can prepare ourselves for the next post-corona family reunion. Welcome back, Twitter hate speech. We are ready.

Are you still chewing on old you-messages that you've just repressed into your subconscious and looking for a way to get rid of them? Or maybe you want to become immune to you-messages forever? Send an email to with your you-message and I will personally respond to you with another you-message. Let's find out how many you-messages are needed until we reach immunization.