Hommage aux Ratés

Hommage aux Ratés

In one of my seminars at Burg Giebichenstein in Halle, a student came up, in a bisociative thinking exercise, with the idea of a Museum for Losers. Robert Filiou would have liked that. In his Teaching and Learning as Performing Arts he proposes as a new standard of values in his "poetical economy", besides the "Rehabilition of the Génies de Café" and the "Celebration of the Esprit d'Escalier", also the "Hommage aux Ratés":

Failures, so muss man sagen, wird von niemanden bewundert. Misserfolge beeinflussen niemanden. Das ist grossartig. Das ist Erfolg, denn wir müssen die Idee loswerden, die Idee der Bewunderung und den Ballast einer Führung. 

Failures, that is to say. No one admires them. They influence no one. This is great. This is success, for we must get rid of the idea of admiration and of the deadweight of leadership.