


A beautiful gift founds its way to my home: the fourth volume of Roman Signer's catalogue raisonnĂ©, 2002-2018. It is big and heavy as any catalogue raisonnĂ© should be. On its cover, a photo shows all four volumes in a bookcase while Signer is having fun, very much Ă  la Signer, to cut his saw through it. 

I don't think Signer can leave a book alone, especially not his own. For an exhibition in 2012, he took his catalogue, also hardcover, and let it lower into the river and then hang them up to dry as an installation. 

Yet it is not destruction that drives Signer, but a curiosity to see what happens when you put something in motion. He has a great name for it: "time sculptures". 

I'll take this occasion to announce that I made a new website for my own oeuvre. This website has the great feature of being adaptable to the mobile format. Now that it is finished, I would also like to cut with the saw through it, or lower it in the water, but since it is digital, I can only depend on you to use your eyes to tear it apart into pieces. Here it is, go for it!