An Isa Genzken

An Isa Genzken


When the pandemic started in 2020, I bought a Solidarity Poster from Südblock. There were many posters to choose from but the choice was easily made. I have always wanted an Isa Genzken. Her unconventionality, her humor, her persona are such a joy in the art world. 

The transparent hall of Mies van de Rohe in the Neue Nationalgalerie is a dream setting for an oeuvre that has always played with architecture and the utopia of transparency. The show is a fantastic party for Genzken's 75th birthday. It is a fun experience to watch, a rock n' roll through her career.  My favourites are all present: the bird nest sculptures in concrete, the radio antenna's, the dolls and the Nefertiti with sun glasses. 

But let me rather tell you about the one that is on my wall. It is an excerpt of an  architectural installation that is on view in the exhibition. The poster hangs in my bedroom and I focus on it when I lie down in bed at night. It is a picture that shimmers, like the sea shimmering in the sunlight. Its arrangement is crowded but there is a sense of space. There is something lingering in the background, a horizon I try to reach until after a few minutes I turn off the light and fall asleep.